Canterbury and District Animal Centre - Work Experience Application FormWork Experience detailsName First Last AgeAddress Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City Postcode TelephoneMobile phoneEmail Emergency contact details(Required)Name - relationship - contact number(s)Next of kin(Required)Name - relationship - contact number(s)School or college contact details ( Name, Address including postcode, Telephone number and email)What course are you studying (only for college students)Dates required for your work experience (Please give a few)What do you hope to achieve from your work experience?Do you have any experience working with animals? If so what.Present employment / volunteeringPrevious Employment / volunteeringHow would you get to the animal centre? Car Bus Train Walking Cycling OtherRehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 - Please tick if you have been convicted of any offence which is considered 'spent' under the rehabilitation of offenders act 1974. If you have ticked this box then we will send you a declaration form to complete.(Required) Yes NoI confirm I am the parent/guardian of the person mentioned above and I consent to them volunteering with the RSPCA. Parent or guardian signature if under 18Medical Enquiry - Health and Safety Enquiry of Volunteers.The RSPCA is committed to equal opportunities and the creation of a diverse workforce however, we wish to exercise our duty of care in respect of health and safety for our volunteers and we need to ensure that the proposed volunteer role does not pose any risk to your health. We will discuss any relevant issues with you and, if possible consider making adjustments to enable you to volunteer with us. If additional advice is required, your information may be shared with Human Resources who may take advice from Occupational Health. We may also ask you to provide further information from your GP.Do you have any restrictions relating to -Please select as many of the options that may apply to you. Standing Walking Lifting / carrying items Sight Handling disinfectant or similar Handling animals Reading instructions Following or remembering instructionsIf you have answered yes to any of the above, what adjustments would you require us to consider to enable you to volunteer with us?Are you aware of any other physical or mental health conditions that may affect your ability to carry out the proposed duties safely and without risk to your health? Yes NoIf 'yes' what adjustments should we consider to enable your volunteering experience to be better?TetanusTETANUS is a life-threatening bacterial disease caused by an infection in an open wound. In view of this we recommended that you check your status to see if you are protected. field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.